
Pemphigus and pemphigoid are the most well-characterized autoimmune diseases thanks to all the hard work of predecessors and current active investigators in our international communities. In the 1980s, target antigens were immuno-chemically characterized; in the 1990s, they were identified; in the 2000s, diagnostic tools were widely used; and in the 2010s, several novel therapeutic strategies became available. 


International Societies for Investigative Dermatology (ISID) will be held in Tokyo on May 10 to 13, 2023. ISID is planned every five years rotating Asia-Oceania, Europe-Africa, and North and South America regions, in the year of ISID, no national meetings are held. Therefore, most of the basic and clinical scientists in the field of cutaneous biology and immunology will get together in Tokyo in 2023.


The goal of the meeting is to bring together patients, clinicians, researchers, and industry partners to share the latest information in the pathogenesis and treatment of pemphigus, pemphigoid, and other autoimmune-related skin diseases. In addition to clinical and scientific data, essential discussions will be held on the disease's pathogenesis, targeted therapeutics strategies, and therapeutic efficacy evaluation.


We all welcome people around the world interested in autoimmune bullous diseases, both junior and senior, and look forward to having a great and fruitful time together. 


Masayuki Amagai, M.D., Ph.D.

Chair, the Organizing Committee of the International Symposium on Autoimmunity Targeting the Skin - Pemphigus, Pemphigoid, and Beyond -